Monday, June 1, 2009

Updates Updates Updates!!

I have to keep reminding myself to update my blog more frequently. Not just so that you will know what's the current happs in my life, but also for me to keep track of where I have been.

Ok, it's June already and the school holidays are here!! Not for me though. I'm abstaining myself from any travels for the time being. I'm keeping myself contented by watching Discovery Travel & Living though haha

Oh BIG news - for those of you who are curious about what Wealthy Affiliate is all about, and whether it is worth to spend on the subscription fee, here's a green light for you!

Wealthy Affiliate is offering a 7-day full access trial for a recession-friendly fee of $1!

That means with just a dollar, you can have 7 days to explore the site, make use of the bundles of lessons inside, take part in the forums, and mingle with the super affiliates who have MADE IT.

So take up this offer quick. It only happens between 1st June and 8th June :)

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