Friday, January 4, 2008

Chasing My Destiny

Let me share you a story that I will always keep with me. Something that I would tell my kids when they are growing up and finding their direction.

It's called Chasing My Destiny.

I've always loved marine vehicles since young. Be it ships, boats, liners, ferries. But what I've always secretly admired is the power, luxury, and styles of modern yachts.

I guess it's got to do with part of my upbringing. My dad worked in a ship company, with an office by a pier. Every now and then, they'd have these clients with nice yachts stopping by. We got to go onboard and explore the luxury within. Man, were they classy.

I even got myself a temporary placement (as a clerk) with a shipping company whilst waiting to enter polytechnic. There was me, Kamrul, and Amin. And one particular event that year is the etched memory that I will save a lifetime.

There was the yearly boat show where companies showcase their portfolio of boats that they sell to those who can afford. We tried going onboard as many boats as we can, pretending we could OWN one of them. Then there was this particular gentleman of a salesguy who, although knew we were still kids, entertained our questions. And what he said.. I still remember that moment and the exact words said to me..

"You have the look of a millionaire someday"

You may say it was just a passing comment, something to make a kid's day. But why shouldn't I use it as a form of motivation? And that's exactly what I did, and still am doing. I made it my destiny, and I'm chasing it. It is there, it's not superficial. I just need to get there.

In Pursuit of Happyness, Will Smith told his son:

"Hey. Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something. Not even me."

"You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it."

"If you want something, go get it. Period."

How true.

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